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Important Client Information & Consent

Please take a moment to review the necessary forms before your appointment. This includes  consent to treatment and acknowledgment of our spa policies. Your responses help us ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for you. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Risks and Benefits

I understand that certain treatments may involve some degree of risk (e.g., skin irritation, allergic reaction, bruising, or other side effects), and I accept full responsibility for any risks associated with the treatment. I acknowledge that the esthetician has informed me of the potential risks and benefits of the treatment(s) and that I have had an opportunity to ask questions regarding the treatment.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • I understand that all personal and medical information collected is confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of providing appropriate services. My information will not be shared without my consent unless required by law.

Liability Waiver

  • I hereby release and hold harmless Honeyed Essentials, its employees, and agents from any liability arising from the treatments I receive, including any allergic reactions, injury, or side effects that may occur during or after treatment. I acknowledge that I am receiving treatments at my own risk.

Right to Refuse Treatment

  • I understand that the esthetician has the right to refuse service if, in their professional judgment, the treatment would be inappropriate due to health, safety, or other reasons.

Consent to Receive Treatment

  • I, the undersigned, hereby consent to receive the spa treatment(s) as indicated in this form. I understand that the services I will receive are designed to promote relaxation and well-being. I acknowledge that the spa professional will perform these treatments to the best of their abilities and will communicate with me about the procedures involved.

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